Thursday, December 23, 2010


"Hey mister Snowman! Good to see you! But what are you doing here? You weren't here before!"

"Oh man, you're a little lost! If you go out the gate and through the alley, up the 3 steps, cross the square, roughly that-a-way, there's a supermarket right there that has a frozen foods section!"

"What's that? Oh, no worries, mister Snowman! Good to see you! Just you go and enjoy your pizza!"


  1. :-) :-) :-)
    Wat een heerlijke foto's :-)

  2. leuk hè :D ik moet na een maand van oma-met-flits vechten om foto's te kunnen nemen waarbij I. NIET meteen zijn handen voor zijn ogen doet ;) als hij me niet ziet, gaat het goed :)

  3. hahaha, what fun!!

  4. The photos are great, but the story is double great, have you thought of drawing it? Could be a great beginning for a children book.

  5. I liked your blog thanks for sharing this


Thanks for letting me in on your thoughts!