Monday, November 12, 2012


First day of the first week of Isaak's School Kid Carreer. Courageous kid. He feels it, too, of course. This really is momentous for both of us...

So I came home to an empty house and time. I'd promised myself I'd fill it with something. Something meaningful - as far as I know what that is, right now. Move past the guilt that claiming this time as mine and pristine brings up. Trying not to waver in my resolution to make this time count - for something decidedly not chores of any kind. Nor entertaining distractions, no matter how they whisper that they're easy and instant and will cure all that ails while I let them. I need to start as I plan to go on.

Here's what came up;

autumn comes & shines with an in-your-face beauty that silently SINGS

I'm smiling reluctantly & in spite of myself
letting my bones warm
guilt isn't made to hang on to
especially not the kind we pour over ourselves
masked grief needs colour
healing does start here and now...

In the end, it all starts with permission. Giving yourself permission to smile, to enjoy, to embrace, to really see what we're given to play with. And to play then. Especially when that's the hardest thing to do. Sometimes the only way to take a first, scared, clueless, hesitant step onto the daunting road ahead is to allow yourself to play with what's here, now. So that's what I did.

healing continues, here and now.

Will you give yourself permission to play today? Do something, anything - just because you know deep down that it's good for you! Chocolates - to help swallow the guilt - are on me today :)


  1. I'll take those chocolates, please! :)

  2. Beautiful! Wonderful text and gorgeous orange fall pages! No chores, no distractions, but beautiful words, art and your strength!

  3. Beautiful thoughts, and a wonderful start to your 'me time'. Keep going! And yes, I will give myself permission to play today too! And won't knock back the chocolates either ;)

  4. Your words ? The poem ? Very poetic :-) I'm impressed. Still feel you could make a really wonderful and beautiful book - with drawings and text in it. You go ! Drawing is fantastic as well !

  5. I love these pages, what wonderful work!


Thanks for letting me in on your thoughts!