Thursday, January 3, 2013


Here it is, January 3rd: my New Year's wish for you - and for me!

be you

I know I used more words in the illustration, but in the end, that's what it boils down to. Nothing else, that's it. I feel it's about time - for me, anyway - to stand tall and wear it on the outside. To be proud of who I am, and to start owning my warts. To no longer wait until I've grown beyond 'not quite there yet' - but to make it happen with what's there; here, in me and within reach! Because there's plenty to work with, right there! Me and my warts, we'll go a long way once we start working together - I'm sure of it!

Of course this means stuff. About putting myself out there, about being honest, about what it is I do exactly, and what I want to share... I'm not altogether clear on it all - quite yet. But I've cut myself some slack. I didn't need to have the past year wrapped up - bow on top - by the 31st of December, and I didn't have to have this one all mapped out by January 1st! How's that for going with my warts, leaning in and being gentle?!

There is more where this came from, but not right now. I just needed to be here, before the first week of this New Year is gone. Because not having it all figured out quite yet doesn't mean I can't just show up. And be. Here. Warts and all. To wish you the best year yet! A happy, inspired and creative year. And to wish for you to come out and be you. I think you're gorgeous!


  1. Beautiful post. Thanks for sharing this. Look forward to hearing more from you soon xx Adriana

  2. It’s so much less exhausting to ‘just be’. Here’s to a year of wonderful, beautiful ‘being’! <3

  3. You inspire me. Cannot wait to go out there and be ME :)

  4. Yes!! Let's clash with the decor!! Great post, yvonne, such positive energy. And the illustration brought a smile to my face, I love it!

  5. what a beautiful and encouraging post Yvonne !
    Wishing you a healty, happy and creative year... with your lovely son , family and all your friends..
    xxx (dutch style :))

  6. The most wonderful wish for 2013 I've ever been given !! Great, thx, x and the samen to you :-)

  7. Happy New Year 2013 Yvonne!! This is a wonderful blogpost, you speak from my heart, love love it! I am always thinking of you and love everything you share. May this be a great, wonderful, healthy, creative and happy year!

  8. Thanks for the wish and back at you, too! Why not be ourselves and enjoy that process? I hope the new year sends you bright and wonderful opportunities. Happy New Year, Yvonne.

  9. Yvonne we out here see no warts. We see a very talented lady who is ready artistically to put her work out there. Stop looking in your own mirror and look in the one we hold, see the reflection of our image of you. In our mirror you are beautiful all the way through, a kind and thoughtful person who always has the right words to write and the nicest things to show. Your talent doesnt know you have any bumps. It just wants you to let it draw and create. Your child loves you, you are his Mummy. Your husband loves you, you are his wife. We can not be without you, you are our friend.
    Go shine on every-one.
    Place all your art into a folio, take it to magazine companies, or get an agent if that step is too large for you to make. You are an Illustrator.

  10. Here have a look at this.
    more coming.
    come of folks lets find her work or an agent !


Thanks for letting me in on your thoughts!