Obviously - even for me these days, with my busy-being-a-mamma-life - there are only so many hours in a day; and stupid but what can you do, when I spend a lot of my sparse spare time looking at what other people write and create, I don't have much time left to do my own art-ish-tics.
But there is another reason why it's not a great idea to spend too much time looking at other people's blogs : it's so bloody intimidating!!
Being me, I forget I click away from many more pages than ever end up in my favourites folder, but still! Some people - a lot of people, the web being world wide & all - have such a way with words!, with paper, scissors & glue!, with their camera!, with needle and thread! & so on, & so on...
So here I am, with this blog that I'm too scared to publish to people. Yet.
And here are a few pictures of what I got up to this weekend. For the tiny audience out there. So far. Hope at least all of you two like my effort ;-)
Wicker baskets - last year's "Christmas Goodies" came in one of those, but since there are always people who don't really want or need what they get, Man scored two more from colleagues!
Now I didn't really like the natural-cotton-look, especially considering the newest member of this little household: something white-ish with a baby growing rapidly into a little explorer... somehow doesn't strike me as the brightest choice in colour scheme ;-) So I declared one of them 'mine' and covered it in pink (!!),
and the other two can be Baby Boy's - you can't start too early pointing out where the toys should go (hey, a mother can hope!)!
Hey, cool!!! Als ik je verhaal lees over al die mensen die zo goed zijn denk ik meteen aan jou (en niet omdat je het hebt geschreven!!). In mijn ogen ben jij zo onwijs creatief, en voor mijn gevoel verandert alles wat jij aanpakt van stro in goud (of van naturel in roze :))... Ik ben altijd al super trots geweest op jou en wat je maken kunt. Dus ik denk dat je bij die mensen op internet gewoon die goede eigenschap van jezelf herkent!